After the US-based electric and clean energy company Tesla opened a fully-owned subsidiary in India with its office in Bengaluru, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and his Cabinet Minister son Aditya are keen to convince Tesla to start operations in the State. With reports that Tesla is in talks with other State governments as well, the Maharashtra government is talking to company officials.

After taking charge as Chief Minister, Uddhav Thackeray has been talking to various international players inviting them to invest in Maharashtra. The father, son duo have repeatedly insisted that industrial development in the State will be in consonance with environment protection. Aditya, who holds the portfolio of environment and climate change minister, held a video conference with the Tesla team in October. He, along with Industry Minister Subhash Desai invited Tesla to Maharashtra. Aditya said that he was not looking just for the investment but wanted to push electric mobility and sustainability in Maharashtra.

Also read: Maharashtra woos Tesla with ‘VIP treatment’, special incentives

“We are firmly committed to policy building and changes for sustainable development, and I personally believe that electric mobility, supported by renewable energy, is the way ahead. Let’s hope we can help this thought become mainstream soon,” Aditya tweeted on October 22 last year.

With the support of the Chief Minister, the State officials continued talks with Tesla. However, the company opening its office in Bengaluru has put the Thackerays in a tight spot.

The Opposition parties are targeting Thackerays saying that the father, son duo has failed to keep their word. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena headed by Uddhav Thackeray’s cousin has castigated Aditya for failing to convince the company to start operations in Maharashtra.

Following reports that Tesla is still keen to have operations in other States besides Karnataka, the State government is certain to continue the dialogue with US electric auto maker, according to State sources.