The heavy rain clouds have lifted from Chennai and have drifted to North - North-East over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, according to satellite pictures early this morning.

The clouds are now spread out from Nellore into Guntur, Vijayawada, Kakinada, Visakhapatnam, and Srikakulam along the coast and Suryapet (Telangana), Malkangiri (Odisha), Bijapur and Jagdalpur (Andhra Pradesh), Jagdalpur, and Jeypore (Odisha) in the interior.

Heavy rain belt

An India Met Department update on Monday night also said that the heavy rain belt had moved out to Coastal Andhra Pradesh and neighbourhood.

During the day yesterday, the main stations receiving rain (in cm) were Nellore-7; Kavali-6; Tirupati and Tiruttani-6 each; Chennai-4; Arogyavaram-3; Machilipatnam-2; Ongole and Narsapur-1 each.

But the rains may have grown in intensity this morning, looking at the intensity of the thunderclouds farming out over many of these places.

Earlier yesterday, the Met Department had lifted the watch for the formation of a depression off the North Tamil Nadu coast; the well-marked low-pressure area persisted, though.

More rain likely

A good part of the thundercloud formation covering Coastal Andhra Pradesh, and along with it heavy to very heavy rain, is lying over the sea extended into the sea this morning.  

Meanwhile, the US Climate Prediction Centre has hinted at the possibility of another round of organised showers for the North Tamil Nadu coast beginning later this week. 

The rains may sustain in varying intensities along the coast, including in Chennai, until November 28, according to these forecasts. 

But they are not going to be anywhere near as heavy as what the metropolitan city and the neighbourhood witnessed during the past one week or so. 

India Met has said that rain or thundershowers may occur at many places over the South Peninsula and at a few places along the Tamil Nadu coast until November 23.