The weather over Central India and adjoining East, as well as parts of the South Peninsula, is expected to undergo a qualitative change from tomorrow (Tuesday) with India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicting thunderstorms and lightning for East Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, Marathawada.

Outlook for Wednesday indicates the possibility of thunderstorms, lightning and hail at isolated places over Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh and with lightning in isolated places over Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Sikkim, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathawada, North Interior Karnataka and Kerala.

Fortnightly forecast indications

On Thursday, thunderstorms, lightning and hail are forecast over Vidarbha and lightning over Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathawada and North Interior Karnataka, the IMD said. IMD had alluded to these developments in its fortnightly outlook earlier.

On Friday, until when the forecast is available, a thunderstorm accompanied with lightning and hail is forecast in isolated places over Vidarbha and lightning in isolated places over Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathawada and North Interior Karnataka.

Rain, snow for Uttarakhand

In the North, a feeble western disturbance is expected to bring isolated rainfall/snowfall over Uttarakhand until Wednesday. The hilly state had seen a disaster in the form of a landslide and glacial lake burst last Sunday. Dense to very dense fog is forecast for Punjab, Chandigarh and Delhi in the morning hours of Tuesday (tomorrow).

Fog conditions are expected to abate significantly in intensity and spatial distribution thereafter over this area. To further East, the dense fog may descend on Uttar Pradesh and back over Uttarakhand in the morning hours of Tuesday and abate in intensity thereafter. A fresh western disturbance is expected by Friday.