Tamil Nadu managed its power shortage through expensive short-term power purchase, power cuts and load shedding while it exploited just half its installed wind energy potential as of March 2015, according to a CAG report of 2014-15 on Public Sector Undertakings.

Against a potential wind energy capacity of 14,152 MW, it exploited just 7,439 MW (53 per cent) as of March 2015.

Even the potential was not fully exploited by the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation due to inadequate transmission facility and backlog of payments for wind energy procured.

Decline in procurement This led to a decline in wind energy procurement from about 5,251 million units in 2010-11 to about 3,963 million units in 2014-15 and backing down of 8,801 million units of wind energy during this period.

The system for purchase of wind energy was robust and a policy needs to be evolved and infrastructure establishment expedited, the report said.