Tamil Nadu government is planning to re-open schools for class 9-12 students from September 1 with 50 per cent capacity even as the Covid-19 lockdown in the State has been extended by another two weeks till 6 am on August 23.

In a consultation meeting on Friday morning medical professionals unanimously stressed the need to reopen schools. Experts also pointed out that online classes conducted are inaccessible to most children. The Department of Education has been advised to take appropriate preliminary action, an official release said.

All places of worship will be closed on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Medical colleges have been permitted to function from August 16. Guidelines will be issued soon, the release said.

Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu reported on Friday marginally reduced to 1,985 (1,997 on Thursday) to take the total number of infections in the State to 25.71 lakh.

After 1,908 persons were discharged, the total number of active cases dropped to 20,185. Over 1.58 lakh tests were done.

The number of deaths registered was 25.

Chennai reported a slight drop in new cases to 189 (196) but Coimbatore saw a slight increase to 249 (220). In all the other districts, the number of daily cases was less than 200.