Popular support for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam continued to grow, but the crucial support of MLAs eluded him even five days after he rebelled against AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala.

Of the 134 members of the ruling party in the legislature, just half a dozen, including K Pandiarajan, Education Minister, have openly come out in support of him.

The floor math

Today, two more Members of Parliament pledged their support to Panneerselvam taking the total number of MPs on his side to 11, including eight members of the Lok Sabha.

Sasikala, who was unanimously elected the AIADMK Legislature Party leader last Sunday by the MLAs, has staked her claim to form the government with Governor Vidyasagar Rao.

But she faces a Supreme Court verdict in a corruption case, which could have an impact on her bid for the post.

Also, with the popular sentiment in favour of Panneerselvam, Sasikala is worried that if more MLAs shift allegiance, the AIADMK could lose its majority in the House. She needs the support of at least 118 MLAs in the 234-member Assembly.

Panneerselvam has represented to the Governor that he was coerced into resigning and wishes to withdraw his resignation.

He says he can prove his majority support in the House. There has been no word over the last one week from the Raj Bhavan.

MLAs held hostage?

Meanwhile, about 100 MLAs are guests at a beachside resort about 50 km south of Chennai where they have been staying since Wednesday after Sasikala called a meeting at the party headquarters.

This has led to accusations from the rival faction that they are being held hostage by the party leader.

Sasikala refuted the allegations and categorically told mediapersons after meeting the MLAs at the resort that they are staying as “guests and are together to ensure the AIADMK government is not undermined.”

Popular among masses

Hundreds of supporters thronged the official residence of caretaker Chief Minister Panneerselvam through the day to greet him and express their support.

It has been a week of political turmoil in Tamil Nadu with the uncertainty over who will take over government continuing.