The Information & Broadcasting Ministry has asked private TV news channels to create public awareness on Covid appropriate behavior and vaccination as the country copes with the second wave of the pandemic.

Stating that the number of cases of Covid-19 is witnessing an alarming upward trend, the I&B Ministry added in its advisory that, “ it is imperative that all stakeholders take forward the communication strategy with renewed emphasis on Dawai Bhi, Kadai Bhi .

It added that in a meeting convened by the Prime Minister on April 4, the government has decided to focus on a five-fold strategy of testing, tracing, Covid-appropriate behavior and vaccination to deal with the emerging crisis.

“Private TV channels have always been in the forefront of spreading important messages in the larger public interest. It is, therefore, requested that the private channels may appropriately disseminate messages for Covid appropriate behaviour and vaccination of the eligible age group persons so as to create greater awareness among the citizens of the country,” the Ministry’s advisory added.