Updated - May 02, 2014 at 10:44 PM.

Another weekly off for RG in the mid of elections, no rallies, no meetings today, and there r ppl who still see hope in him!

Ankiit Koomar @AnkiitKoomar

In every phase of polling @narendramodi is moving from ‘mat’ to ‘bahumat’

Swami Ramdev @yogrishiramdev

By all accounts and feedback Punjab is going to be the @AamAadmiParty best performance. Ground reports say will pick up sizeable vote share

barkha dutt @BDUTT

Good one sent to me: Breaking: Congress plans to rename Gurgaon as Jamaica — because most of the land is jamai-ka !

Sucheta Dalal @suchetadalal If u r looking for brainless followers - AAPIf u r looking for brainless leaders -Samajwadi Party

Nitin Gadkari BJP @NitinTweetBJP

Published on May 2, 2014 17:14