Following the Chikkaballapur quarry blast on Monday, five people were arrested and two police officers have been suspended for dereliction of duty.

The State home department said five people and one of the owners of the quarry have been arrested, while the other is absconding. They have been charged for illegal handling of explosives.

While action on the police officers is for their failure to take action against quarry owners and employees previously, despite several complaints.

On Monday night, the blast at a quarry in Hirenagaveli village in Chikkaballapur district killed six people.

As per the preliminary investigation, the police had come to know that the explosives were stored in a place near the quarry. After the raid, the owners instructed the workers to dispose them off in the nearby forest.

According to the statement made by the driver, who had survived the blast, and experts who inspected the blast area, the workers lit a campfire to dispose off the explosives.

Meanwhile, district-in-charge and Health Minister K Sudhakar said the government has no intention to protect the culprits in the Hirenagavalli blast incident. Several suspects have been arrested in the case including the owners of the company and a CID investigation has been ordered.

“Despite these, some people are trying give it political colour and indulging in character assassination. It is very unbecoming for those in responsible positions to try to fish in troubled waters,” he charged.