The Government today managed to appoint two members of the Rajya Sabha, including a nominated one, to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the 2G scam despite stiff resistance from the BJP as the move would affect the balance in the panel.

A motion to appoint Congress member P. Bhattacharya and nominated member Ashok S. Ganguly was adopted by voice vote in the Upper House amid the din created by BJP members who were protesting the move.

The House was adjourned twice during Zero Hour with BJP members trooping into the Well and raising slogans protesting the Government’s action in pushing through the motion. The Treasury benches were present in full strength today. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was also present.

The Government’s success came in the second attempt as it had failed last week when the Opposition stalled a similar move by insisting on wider consultations.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Rajeev Shukla moved the motion to fill up two vacancies created in the JPC after the retirement of Tiruchi Siva (DMK) and the resignation of E. M. S. Natchiappan (Congress) after becoming a Minister. There are 10 members from the Rajya Sabha in the 30-member joint panel.

Leader of the Opposition Arun Jaitley said such a practice by the Government was not good and would have ‘dangerous implications’ as it would not have opposition representation. Shukla claimed he has already held consultations with Opposition leaders.

“The numbers matter, remembering what has happened (in JPC). A Parliamentary Committee always represents the strength of various political parties. The Government is taking away both the vacancies. This has never happened...This is against Parliamentary norms and extremely dangerous. The precedent they are setting is extremely bad,” Jaitley said.