The Hindu Group bagged two silvers at the 11th edition of The India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA)’s Olive Crown Awards 2021.

The awards were to acknowledge the remarkable works of those individuals and brands that drove the message of sustainability or ‘green advertising’.

The Hindu Group won silver in Press-Services and Press-Corporate categories for its campaign for World Wildlife Day (March 3, 2020) and World Environment Day (June 5, 2020). The ads, conceived by Ogilvy, were part of The Hindu Group’s print-led initiative – Care. Community. Conversation.

“As a media organisation, we have always lent our voice to responsible societal and environmental concerns time and again. It has been a fulfilling initiative and we feel motivated to continue our good work and make the world a better place to live in,” said Suresh Balakrishna, Chief Revenue Officer, The Hindu Group.

The event was attended by senior marketing, media, and advertising professionals from across the country.