N Kiran Kumar Reddy continues to nurture hopes for a united Andhra Pradesh. The Jai Samaikyandhra Party — formed by him earlier this month after he resigned as CM of Andhra Pradesh as well as from the Congress — will provide a platform for activists who participated in the Samaikyandhra (united AP) agitation. The party will empower them to participate in the elections, he said. “We have not established the party to win some seats or occupy seats of power. We gave up positions of power and floated this party only because the protagonists of Samaikyandhra are being ignored by other parties,” he said at an interactive session organised by the Visakhapatnam Lawyers JAC and Viskahapatnam Muslim Minorities JAC here on Monday.

He assured students they will be accommodated in whichever constituency possible, dismissing reports that they will have to pay for party ticket. “There is no advance booking for tickets. This party has been established only for you who have come out and expressed your anguish at the decision to divide the Telugu people,” he said.

Replying to a query, he said that the Supreme Court had admitted the petition against the AP Reorganisation Act 2013. The party will contest the Act, as it violates the principles of federal structure of the country, he said.

Conceding that a railway zone with Visakhapatnam as headquarters is a genuine demand, Kiran said he had been taking it up with the Centre but it did not materialise.

Former MPs Sabbam Hari and Harsha Kumar were among those present.