In a bid to reinvent its identity as a business-friendly State on the lines of Gujarat, the Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday launched a roadshow in the home State of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to invite industries and businessmen to explore investment prospects in the northern State.

Image problem Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Dinesh Sharma said UP, which was earlier infamous for crime and corruption, is now on a revival path to create a conducive environment for development. “There was an image of crime and corruption connected with Uttar Pradesh. But with our government’s approach of ‘zero tolerance’ to crime and corruption, we have been able to create a fearless environment for investors. After considering and studying policies of various States, we have formulated our new industrial policy, which will encourage investments in Uttar Pradesh,” Sharma told media here during a roadshow for UP Investors Summit 2018.

It is a first for the State on the lines of Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. The summit will be held on February 21-22 in Lucknow.

“Our focus will be on development of underdeveloped regions of the State. Sectors such as logistics, textiles, information technology (IT), dairy and tourism are some of the areas in which we look for expertise from Gujarat,” said Sharma, adding that the State wants to promote its rich cultural heritage and religious and tourism potential.

Key areas According senior UP government officials, the summit will witness participation from across the country and by several international delegates. “The event will focus on 14 key areas including textiles, MSME, IT, electronics, dairy, pharma, logistics among others. The focus will be to generate employment for the State and create a conducive business environment in the State,” said Anup Chandra Pandey, Commissioner, Infrastructure & Industrial Development, Uttar Pradesh.

Pandey said the summit would become an annual event attracting business houses and investors to turnaround the industrial environment in the State. “We have received encouraging response from the industries. Some of the top business houses from Gujarat are also likely to participate in the summit,” he said.