The Uttar Pradesh Government is making arrangements on a grand scale to celebrate the Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj from January 15 to March 14, according to UP Minister for Industrial Development Satish Mahana.

He was speaking here on Sunday at a programme organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in association with the UP Government to promote Kumbh Mela. He said it would be "a national and international event of great significance highlighting the religious traditions of our country and its great cultural heritage and we want participation from all states and Union Territories besides scores of delegates and NRIs coming from abroad."

He said arrangements had been made on a grand scale and a temporary city had come up at the site with all facilities. Even the UNESCO had included Kumbh Mela in the list of events highlighting "the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, thanks to the efforts of our honourable Prime Minister."

Mahana said,"It would be a massive congregation of humanity, unheard of anywhere in the world. We are expecting nearly 15 crore people during the period as against 12 crore last time. It is a huge challenge to ensure their safety and to ensure sanitation, but we are up to it. We have made all arrangements methodically and we are inviting people from all over the country and the world."

In response to a question, he said it should not be viewed as merely a ritualistic event of the Hindus. "It is above all castes, creeds and religions. "

In response to a another question whether the BJP Government is celebrating the event on such a scale to garner votes in the coming general elections, he said it was not the fault of the BJP Government if the event synchronises with the general elections. "The two events are different and unrelated. We should not politicise it," he clarified.