The UPA will mount pressure on the Centre to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill in Parliament, said its Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, who inaugurated the 16th anniversary of Kudumbashree Mission for poverty eradication and women’s empowerment here on Tuesday.

The then UPA Government had passed the Bill in the Rajya Sabha, but could not go any further. This was a matter of concern, Sonia said.

Since the UPA is now in the Opposition, it will mount pressure on its successor to pass the Bill and honour a commitment to women.

She recalled that the UPA Government had taken the lead in promoting self-help groups with bank linkages.

It had also passed new laws against sexual harassment and domestic violence, providing for stringent punishment in such cases.

Sonia exhorted grama panchayats and self-help groups to work in tandem since they both had a vital socio-economic role to play.

Kerala lauded

Sonia Gandhi lauded Kerala for having launched the Nirbhaya scheme for addressing violence against women and setting a model for other States.

Instead of turning to government support for everything, women would do well to involve themselves in mass movements such as Kudumbashree which can change their lives.

Sonia observed that Kerala has eradicated poverty through concerted community action at the behest of local self-government institutions.

The State has also emerged a leader through schemes to boost self-reliance in women and empower them through best education, health facilities, equal rights and access to sanitation.

Kudumbashree had led to the uplift of those who are vulnerable twice over – being a woman and also poor. The informal banking system functioning under the movement is a challenge on poverty, she said.

Women entrepreneurs

The Mission has led women into organic farming, small businesses, providing educational assistance for the members’ wards and various other projects.

With moderate assistance, rural women have become entrepreneurs and have learnt to find solutions to their problems through their experience and ability, Sonia Gandhi said.

There is a dire need for women leaders in the country and the model of self-sufficiency and women empowerment set by Kerala through Kudumbashree could well be emulated internationally, she added.

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said in his presidential address that Kudumbashree had become a nationally and internationally acclaimed movement. The State Government will provide all support for marketing and branding its products, he added.