Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu paid rich tributes to former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao on his birth centenary today, and described him as a “legendary figure” who had pioneered economic reforms.

Stating that the former Prime Minister was a multi-faceted personality – a phenomenal scholar, astute administrator, a litterateur of renown and multi-linguist – he said Rao had steered the country away from economic crisis through his art of consensual leadership and farsighted vision. Earlier, the Vice-President paid homage to the former Prime Minister by garlanding his statue at Circuit House Junction in Visakhapatnam.

‘Reforms need of the hour’

He saidbold reforms initiated by Rao have helped in accelerating the country’s development over the past three decades. The former Prime Minister AB Vajpayee had implemented the reforms started by Narasimha Rao in letter and spirit, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi has speeded up the reforms. “Reforms are the need of the hour and we must adopt the best practices,” he added.

Crediting Rao for ending the Licence Raj in the country, the Vice-President said that he was the architect of India’s economic liberalisation. “Importantly, it was Rao who facilitated India’s entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO),” he pointed out.

PM Modi pays tributes to PV Narasimha Rao

The Vice-President said that the former PM had safeguarded the nation’s interests effectively on the global stage, although he took over the leadership of the nation during trying times and in a difficult external strategic environment.

Recalling that Roa had great love for languages, Naidu said that among his many works, he translated the epic Telugu novel Veyi Padagalu into Hindi titled Sahasra Phan, and also published Abala Jeevitam , a Telugu translation of the famous Marathi novel, Pan Lakshat Kon gheto.

Narasimha Rao always vouched for education in mother tongue in schools. “I, too, have always maintained that the medium of instruction should be the child’s mother tongue up to high school level,” he added.

An abiding legacy

Stating that Narasimha Rao had left an abiding legacy, he said that former President Abdul Kalam had called him a “patriotic statesman who believed that the nation is bigger than the political system”.

Naidu said today’s generation should take inspiration from him and keep the national interest above everything else.

Rao is father of economic reforms: Manmohan

Expressing his disappointment that a great leader like Narasimha Rao did not get the recognition he so richly deserved, the Vice- President said: “Let us bring forth his contribution for nation building on his birth centenary celebrations.”

Naidu said no nation would be able to move forward by forgetting its culture, heritage and the immense contribution of great leaders towards nation-building. The lives and teachings of great men should be passed on to the younger generation.