Vizag entertainment project a non-starter

Ch RS Sarma Updated - January 23, 2018 at 01:04 AM.

Non-availability of land scuppers the proposal

The Andhra Pradesh government signed a memorandum of understanding with the UK-based Eros Investments Ltd a year ago for setting up an entertainment city here, but it has made no headway. Even the land for the project has not yet been identified.

The project was expected to yield an investment of ₹30,000 crore to ₹60,000 crore, making the city a world-class entertainment hub.

The promoters wanted to invest in amusement parks, media city, animation studio, pre and post-production units for films, TV serials and advertorials, star hotels, condominiums and wellness centres, and they had sought 2,000 to 5,000 acres preferably on the beachfront area.

However, sources in APIIC, tourism and revenue departments said non-availability of such a large chunk of land at one place led to lack interest by the promoters.

There was speculation initially that 1,750 acres allotted earlier to a Delhi-based realty firm for developing a Knowledge City at Kapulauppada on the city outskirts (which was subsequently cancelled) would be given for development of first phase of Entertainment City. However, the APIIC has already developed a layout for 200 acres to set up an IT Special Economic Zone there.

Vizag Development Council Vice-President O Naresh Kumar said MoUs should be signed only after identifying land for such projects. Otherwise, they would merely remain exercises in publicity.

Published on October 27, 2015 15:04