‘We have a Plan B and are ready to roll it out’

Poornima Joshi Updated - September 22, 2014 at 10:01 PM.

BJP General Secretary Rajiv Pratap Rudy on why the party is being tough with the Sena

Party General Secretary Rajiv Pratap Rudy

Poornima Joshi

New Delhi, September 22

In a marathon meeting of the BJP’s Central Election Committee on Sunday night, the party brass decided to get tough with a recalcitrant Shiv Sena. Though the BJP did not announce any names, it transpired that probables for all the 288 Assembly seats in Maharashtra were discussed.

Even as last-ditch efforts to save the ruling party’s oldest alliance continued till late on Monday evening, the BJP was clear it will not be dictated by the Sena.

Party General Secretary Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who has been handling political affairs in Maharashtra for the BJP for some time, told BusinessLine that the BJP is amenable to continuing with the alliance only if the Sena’s terms are reasonable. Excerpts:

Are you really ready to part ways with the Shiv Sena or just posturing to get a better deal?

We have a Plan B and we are ready to roll it any time.

It depends on the Shiv Sena how they want to play it.

As far as we are concerned, the party’s top leadership met on Sunday night and we are ready for any eventuality. If the Sena continues to be unreasonable, we will not hesitate in acting on our plan.

But your leaders are still talking. Are you sure you want to part ways?

Please don’t go by television reports on who is talking to whom.

And don’t attribute to me statements that I have not made.

When did I say we are ready to part ways? You are not listening… What I meant was, we are ready with our preparations.

Exactly what does that mean? That you will not contest anything less than 135 seats? What is the latest offer that the Sena has made?

I will tell you something; it is not about the number of seats but the post of Chief Minister that the Sena is mainly bothered about. They know from our past experience that the BJP’s strike rate at winning has always been better than the Sena. In the 2009 Assembly elections, we contested 114 seats and won 46 while the Sena contested 169 and won 44.

Their posturing with regard to the top post becomes weaker in a post-poll situation so they want to settle the issue now. For us, it is a matter of what is reasonable. We have never been unfair to our allies.

The BJP’s maturity has nurtured many alliances over the years. But that should not be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

But that is their strength, isn’t it? They have a chief ministerial candidate and you don’t…

You don’t worry about our strengths and weaknesses. We’ve got it, we have it under control. I am not getting into a discussion over candidates and chief ministers here.

Don’t just say ‘they’re being unreasonable’. Give me a number, how many seats are they offering you?

We don’t negotiate alliances through the media; that is not how it is done. Let’s just say that they have given us a figure and are asking us to disburse seats to the allies from that number. It is completely irrational.

Published on September 22, 2014 16:31