Live coverage of all events during US President Barack Obama’s Delhi visit is expected to bolster the BJP’s campaign in the upcoming Assembly elections.

The ruling party is believed to be focusing on the highlight of the visit — steps taken towards operationalising the Indo-US Civil Nuclear Deal — as part of the Delhi campaign to counter opponent AAP’s main plank of providing cheap power and water to the residents of the Capital.

Besides the promise to provide clean, 24x7 power, the BJP will decidedly milk the grand Republic Day ceremony that showcased Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bonhomie with the most powerful leader in the world.

Modi also used the occasion to display his sartorial flamboyance — especially when he wore a bandhgala suit with his name inscribed in the pin-stripes besides the colourful headgear, shawls and stoles that the Prime Minister donned at various ceremonies.

Place for politics

All of this adds to favourable optics in the election season and the effect did not escape the notice of the AAP.

AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal wanted to know why he was not invited for the Republic Day ceremony. “I am not invited to attend the Republic Day celebrations. I don’t know why I was not invited though I want to attend,” he said.

At the same time, his prime opponent, the BJP’s chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi, wasseen sitting in the front row of the enclosure designated for parliamentarians, and cheering the parade.

“Kiran Bedi is invited. Given front row. Arvind was not even extended the invitation for Republic Day parade. Politics even on this pious day?” tweeted AAP leader Ashutosh.

The BJP did not think the AAP’s carping about the Republic Day will upset the party’s plans.

“There is no politicisation. It is just that the US President’s visit has happened at a time when Delhi is going to polls. I will not deny that these visuals will help the party. The PM gets an international thumbs-up. The most powerful man in the world wants to dress like our PM. It certainly bolsters the party’s image,” said a BJP leader.