Hoardings with messages such as ‘Half covered or half exposed’ or ‘KA-19 vs …’ are neither that of any movie nor any sports activity. These days, hoardings with such messages are used to create awareness on the spread of Covid-19 in Mangaluru.

Mangaluru-based Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has come out with creatives on the use of masks, social distancing, etc. as part of its digital and outdoor campaigns. After the launch of the campaign two days ago, these creatives have attracted the attention of social media users and citizens of the city.

Referring to the recent instances, Isaac Vas, President of KCCI, told BusinessLine that all norms of social distancing and other precautionary practices were thrown to the wind, and most people were found using masks inappropriately.

Considering the need to spread awareness on the best practices to prevent the spread of coronavirus, KCCI said there’s a need to make people aware of the situation and constantly remind them of the right use of masks, social distancing, washing of hands and other dos and don’ts to stay ahead of the virus and beat the pandemic.

Local stakeholders support

KCCI also planned a digital campaign and an outdoor advertisement campaign to remind and encourage people to follow best practices when interacting with others.

The Mangaluru-based creative agency Origin Design Next was roped in to do the creative for the ‘Let’s Fight Back Together’ campaign. A team from KCCI worked with the agency to give shape to the campaign.

Meanwhile, the Dakshina Kannada unit of Indian Red Cross Society and Rotary Mangalore also expressed their interest to support the campaign.

He said Mangaluru-based outdoor agencies such as Jyothi Advertisers, Kalkura Advertisers and Gee Dee Advertisers agreed to provide outdoor space without charge to this community service campaign. Now some private companies have come forward to sponsor such hoardings in other parts of the city, he said.

Currently, five creatives have been showcased through hoardings in different parts of the city.


Highlighting the need for proper use of masks, the creative — Half Covered or Half Exposed — shows a model wearing a mask that exposes her nose. It asks people to cover both nose and mouth with the mask.

Bringing local sentiments into play to fight Covid-19, the creative titled KA-19 vs Covid-19 shows a person with boxing gloves. (KA-19 is a connecting factor for people of Mangaluru as it happens to be the vehicle registration code for many people in the city.)

Making a strong pitch for handwashing, another creative — Colours Are Visible, Virus Is Not — shows colours on both hands of a person. It makes the case for frequent handwash by citizens.

Two more creatives highlight the need to maintain at least two meters distance at social gatherings and in public places.


On the mascot in the creative, Vas said the person in the Superman type of attire, wearing a mask and punching a virus, signifies the citizens of Mangaluru. “We need such kind of strength, unity and daredevilry to beat the pandemic,” he said.

Presented in English and Kannada, the campaign has been creating waves on social media and in the streets, he said, adding that ‘KA-19 vs Covid-19’ has become a hit among the people of Mangaluru. This is a sign that it is being very well received by the citizens of Mangaulru city, he added.