When the whole of Delhi was with the Aam Aadmi Party, some “friends backstabbed”, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said at yesterday’s National Council meeting which removed dissident leaders Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav from the National Executive for “anti-party activities“.

As per an edited video of his speech released by AAP today, Kejriwal launched an all-out attack on Bhushan and Yadav and accused them of trying to realise their personal ambitions under the garb of raising issues of “principles”, and in the process weaken the party.

The Delhi chief minister also revealed that after the Lok Sabha debacle when he was facing criticism from all sides, he had broken down in the National Executive meeting and had even thought of quitting politics.

In an emotional speech, Kejriwal said, “When the whole of Delhi stood behind us, some friends of ours cheated us. I am saying this with a heavy heart that when the whole of Delhi was with us, some friends backstabbed us.”

“Conspiracies were hatched to ensure our defeat in the Delhi polls. AVAM (a breakway group) was formed and it was supported. It then came in the media that AVAM members were former BJP members and BJP was funding them.

“Prashant ji told many people that we think the party should lose then only can the party and Kejriwal learn a lesson. If you don’t do this then we will go before the press and destroy the party,” Kejriwal said.

Kejriwal said he had come under attack from his own people after the Lok Sabha results.

“After Lok sabha polls, there were many fights. My personality, my working style and my leadership was attacked. They would write me emails and then leak it to the media. In the first week of June, we had first National Executive meeting. There were reports that I broke down. This is a fact.

There were many things I could not control. I only said one thing there. I said, I can fight with Modi, Nitin Gadkari, Salman Khursheed, Robert Vadra, even Mukesh Ambani, but I had not come here to fight Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav Yadav.

“After that I came and spoke to my family. I decided that I will quit politics and will even quit the party. We had decided. The next day Bhushan and Yadav came to my residence at 6 a.m. in the morning.

“After a lot of convincing, they asked me what do I want.

I said, if I have to contest Delhi polls, then I have to be given the freedom to take decisions. They agreed,” Kejriwal said.