Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has proposed that all cars coming to Delhi from the National Capital Region should be converted to run on Compressed Natural Gas and industries using polluting fuels, need to be converted to run on piped natural gas (PNG).

These are among a host of proposals in the Winter Action Plan, focused on controlling air pollution in the national capital.

“I have some appeals to the Central Government and other State governments. First- We must stop the burning of stubble. If Delhi can help farmers by providing free decomposers and eliminate the need to burn crop stubble, then other States can come forward as well in application of the same technique,” Kejriwal said.

Taking a jibe at the Centre and other neighbouring States for not doing enough in this case, he said, “We appealed to the Centre as well many times, but they too did not do anything. Because of this mess, the farmers outside of Delhi will be compelled to burn their stubble residues. The smoke generated from the stubble burning will breach into Delhi and increase the pollution levels here.”

“To prevent stubble burning, the bio-decomposer solution will be sprayed throughout Delhi for free by us. If the governments of Punjab, Haryana, UP also use this solution properly then stubble burning pollution can be eliminated,” he added.

Listing out the other suggestions, Kejriwal said, “Thermal plants thermal plants emitting hazardous pollutants should be closed or revamped with environment friendly techniques. Brick kilns in neighbouring states should change their techniques to reduce air pollution.”

Proposing that sustained electricity supplies in the neighbouring territories can also reduce air pollution in Delhi, he said, “To eliminate pollution caused by Diesel Generator (DG) Sets, areas of NCR should ensure 24/7 electricity.”

Kejriwal also said that the country’s first smog tower has been set up and an e-waste Eco-Park is being built in Delhi on 20 acres.