Moving a step closer to the roll out of the goods and services tax, Odisha on Thursday became the 16th State to ratify the Constitution Amendment Bill for the indirect levy.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik moved the statutory resolution in this regard at a special one-day session of the Assembly which was supported by members of all political parties barring the lone CPI (M) member who did not participate in the discussion.

“With Odisha ratifying the Constitutional Amendment Bill for GST, minimum requirement of 50 per cent States ratifying the Bill is complete. Glad to inform that we are ahead of our schedule for implementation of GST so far. Instead of 30 days kept for this, it is achieved in 23 days,” said Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia.

The Constitution (122nd Amendment Bill) for Goods and Services Tax (GST) was passed by Parliament on August 8 and the Centre hopes to introduce it from April 1, 2017.

Adhia had earlier said that the government was looking at getting it ratified by at least half the States in a period of 30 days.

The Bill can now receive the President’s assent and be formally enacted.