Majority of patients tested for Covid-19 in Maharashtra showed no symptoms, according to an analytical report published by the Medical Education and Drugs Department of Maharashtra government.

R Gangakhedkar, head, infectious diseases, Indian Council of Medical Research, said up to 80 per cent of Covid-19 patients showed no or very mild symptoms.

The report, which looked into 6,022 reported cases in Maharashtra, revealed that up to 3,770 patients (63 per cent) had no symptoms of Covid-19, while 794 (13 per cent) showed symptoms. Eighty-one cases, or over 1 per cent of patients, were critical while 1,076 individuals, up to 18 per cent, recovered, and 301 (5 per cent) died.

Given that majority of the patients can be asymptomatic, there needs to be more testing, health experts worldwide have said. According to the latest ICMR update, 6,25,309 samples have been tested in India as on Sunday. India recorded 26,917 Covid-19 cases as on April 26, of which 5,914 (22 per cent) have recovered and 826 (3 per cent) persons have died. Maharashtra recorded the highest number of confirmed cases at 7,628, which include 1,076 recoveries and 323 deaths. The report states that the highest number of cases has been recorded in Mumbai alone — up to 5,049, with 191 deaths and 640 recoveries.


While India has close to 3 per cent mortality rate, the global mortality is 6.9 per cent, with 27,19, 897 cases, of which 1,87,705 have died. In the 14th week of the Covid-19 pandemic, the US has seen 7,76,907 cases; France 1,19,583; Japan 10,751 and China 84,237 cases.

On doubling time, the report states, that while China reached a mark of 16,000 cases on Day 14, India reached the same mark on Day 80, while Italy reached that mark on Day 44, US on Day 62, France on Day 64. India took nine days to double from 8,000 to 16,000, while China, US, France and Italy doubled that much within one to four days.