New start-up hub to help women entrepreneurs

Our Bureau Updated - April 13, 2018 at 04:34 PM.

The US Embassy here launched the Nexus Startup Hub whose aim is to support an ecosystem for innovative Indian start-ups and to bring the best American business practices in entrepreneurship and incubation.

Two new Nexus initiatives announced for 2018 were giving training, mentoring and providing networking opportunities to women entrepreneurs throughout India and expanding the programme to the neighbouring countries.

‘Aspiring women’

“We have got a grant from the State department (USA) for the ‘Aspiring Women’. This programme is to support women with entrepreneurial interests at an early stage, who are currently studying in Indian universities.

It will help those who want to be entrepreneurs but do not know how to go about it,” said Erik Azulay, Director, Nexus Startup Hub.

Since its inception, 20 start-ups have completed the 10-week pre-incubation programme and nine have been selected for long-term incubation.

Overwhelming response

“The response to the Nexus programme has been positive and we have already seen some great results from our first two graduated cohorts of start-ups,” added Azulay.

Nexus will also be launched in four other countries around India.

“The Nexus team is excited about engaging with the innovation ecosystems in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka and working to set up the same kind of active network we are building here in Delhi, said Azulay.

Published on February 9, 2018 16:31