New Mangalore Port Trust (NMPT) handled 27.46 million tonnes (mt) of cargo from April-December of 2021-22 against 25.70 mt in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal, according to AV Ramana, Chairman of NMPT.

Speaking at the 73rd Republic Day celebrations at New Mangalore Port on Wednesday, he said all the major ports in the country put together have handled 529.34 mt of cargo during April-December of 2021-22 against 478 mt in the corresponding period of 2020-21.

Cargo inflow

He said that NMPT will be starting integrated container operations at Berth no. 14. The port has planned to handle edible oils through Berth no. 15, leased to Adani, following due procedures. Apart from this, NMPT has initiated the process for construction of deep draft Berth no. 17.

He said 85,000 sq metres of land at Thannirbhavi will be leased out for a gas plant project costing around ₹3,000 crore. This will give additional cargo inflow of 3 mt of gas to the port, and will create around 200 direct and 600 indirect jobs.

CSR activities

Ramana said a skill development centre will be started from April 2023. During the second wave of Covid, the port handled five Navy vessels discharging 370 mt of liquid oxygen towards the fight against the pandemic.

NMPT has administered more than 15,000 free vaccines to employees and general public in the locality, he added.