Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today assured the citizens that his Government will not allow dance bars in the State and will weed out drugs and prostitution from the tourist destination.

Addressing the state-level function after hoisting the tri-colour at Old Secretariat here on the occasion of Independence Day, Parrikar said the State Government has vowed to flush out prostitution and drugs which are spoiling the State’s name in the guise of tourism.

“We will not allow dance bars in Goa,” Parrikar said, apparently referring to the controversy around the statement by BJP spokesman Wilfred Mesquita who had said that there is nothing wrong in having dance bars.

Mining ban

Admitting that the State Government faced difficulties in revenue generation due to shutdown of mining business following the Supreme Court order, the Chief Minister said that despite the mining ban, the Government has taken enough care of the developmental projects and schemes for the people.

Parrikar said that despite the mining ban, the State Government will collect Rs 300-400 crore revenue from the mining industry in the form of various duties, including stamp duty on leases.

The Chief Minister also assured action against the people involved in illegal mining.

“While the process is on to book people who unleashed illegal mining in the State, the regularisation of legal mines is also being taken up,” Parrikar said.

Referring to the seven-day-long agitation planned by people dependent on mining industry from next week, Parrikar warned against violence during the protests.

“Any kind of violence or law and order issues would not be tolerated,” he said.

In the coming year, he said that the State Government has decided to focus on three different issues — garbage menace, rising unemployment and roadmap for the future development — of the State.

Parrikar said the work on getting rid of garbage in the State has already begun and soon the State will be free of the menace.