The Delhi High Court’s verdict of life imprisonment to senior Congress leader Sajjan Kumar came as a major setback for the Opposition party, which was trying to regain its political footing after the recent Assembly elections. The BJP, Left parties and the AAP welcomed the verdict while the Congress said it should not be politicised.

No doubts

BJP President Amit Shah said no one had any doubt on the Congress’ role in the riots. He maintained that the Grand Old Party’s leaders and workers went on a rampage raising provocative slogans and murdering men in cold blood.

“Victims of the 1984 riots had lost all hope of justice because those responsible for crimes against them enjoyed political patronage of Congress leadership,” Shah tweeted. “No one ever had any doubt on Congress’ role in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Their leaders and workers went on rampage raising provocative slogans, raping women and murdering men in cold blood. Yet no one was ever punished despite multiple commissions and several eyewitnesses,” Shah said.

Long wait

Welcoming the verdict, AAP said setting up a special investigation team to probe the riots helped the victims and said the BJP colluded with the Congress to delay justice. “I welcome the Delhi High Court verdict convicting Sajjan Kumar in 1984 riots case. It has been a very long n painful wait for innocent victims who were murdered by those in power. Nobody involved in any riot should be allowed to escape no matter how powerful the individual maybe,” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said. Welcoming the verdict, Polit Bureau of CPI(M) said the law has taken 34 long years to finally catch up and deliver justice. “The Polit Bureau demands that all victims of communal violence whether they are from 1984, 2002 or other such incidents should get justice. Political leaders who led, backed and shielded the mobs must be brought to justice,” a statement said.

Can appeal

Congress MP and spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said the verdict should not be politicised and political benefit should not be derived from it. “It should not be linked to the political atmosphere prevailing in the country. The law should take its course, there are appeals,” he said. “There have been verdicts in the past where people have been found guilty, while others have been absolved,” he added.