The number of Indians visiting Australia rose 15.4 per cent to 2,67,500 and Indian visitors' spend on their Australian trips jumped 18 per cent to Aus$1.34 billion or Rs 64 billion during this period, according to data provided by Tourism Australia. India was the ninth largest inbound market for arrivals and eighth in terms of expenditure in FY17, it said.

The number of Indian visitors to Australia has grown in single digits only five times in the last 13 years for which data is available. The growth has been as high as 23 per cent in the past.

According to Tourism Australia, the number of visitors from India could touch 300,000 by 2020.

The majority or 68 per cent of the visitors went for leisure purposes. Of the leisure travellers, 61 per cent were visiting friends and relatives. Indian leisure visitors stayed an average of 50 nights.

The majority of the visits were to South and Western Australia, according to data on arrivals provided by Australian states.