Thiruvananthapuram, July 24 Crisis-ridden Oommen Chandy Government is faced with its severest test over solar scam as the State Cabinet went into a meeting here this morning.

Adverse remarks made yesterday by two separate Benches of the High Court hearing related cases in the scam have already pushed it into a precipice.

All ears are tuned once again to the High Court in Kochi which is taking up a bail petition of an accused this morning.

Leader of the police investigation team is also expected to depose before the court with respect to the progress in the case.

Another major issue bothering the Government is the contents of the secret statement of accused Saritha Nair. This is rumoured to implicate at least one minister in the Central Cabinet from the State and a couple of ministers in the State Cabinet.  

Just this morning, P.C. George, the outspoken chief whip of the Government, added further pressure by threatening to resign saying that he cannot be anymore be party to the wayward behaviour of certain ministers.