The Opposition parties congratulated the farmers for the "success" of the protests against the three farm laws. The Congress said they were sure that the Centre will have to take back the "anti farmers" laws. The Left parties said it is a huge victory for the farmers movement.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said the farmers defeated an audacious Government using the methods of Satyagraha. "Congratulations farmers for the victory over injustice," he said.

Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram said that what cannot be achieved by democratic protests can be achieved by the fear of impending elections. "PM’s announcement on the withdrawal of the three farm laws is not inspired by a change of policy or a change of heart. It is impelled by fear of elections! Anyway, it is a great victory for the farmers and for the Congress party which was unwavering in its opposition to the farm laws," he said.

Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said the Centre first bulldozed the farm laws in Parliament. "Then face unprecedented protests. Thereafter, confront election realities in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, particularly. Finally, after much appeal, repeal. Kisan-ity prevails at last! I salute the tenacity of our kisans who did not give up," Ramesh said.

The CPI(M) said in Twitter that it congratulates and extends its warm greetings to Samyukt Kisan Morcha and lakhs of fighting farmers. "Huge Victory for united Kisan movement led by SKM. Every dirty trick by Modi Government defeated. Authoritarian Regime forced to withdraw the three black laws," the CPI(M) said.