About 50,000 cab drivers with Uber, Ola and other local aggregators will join the TSRTC employees in observing a State-wide bandh on October 19.

The Telangana Cab Drivers’ and Owners’ Association too has announced its support to the bandh. “We too will join the strike on October 19,” Shiva Vulkundakar, President of the association, said.

Besides supporting the demands of the 50,000 employees of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC), the cab drivers unions’ joint action committee has served a notice on the managements of Uber, Ola and local cab aggregators, demanding better working conditions, higher per-kilometre payout and compulsory KYC (know your customer) registration of customers to ensure safety of drivers. The JAC member associations have sent local heads of IT companies memoranda, comprising demands. The Information Technology industry heaved a sigh of relief as most of the offices are closed on October 19 (Saturday). “We have just seen their charter of demands to aggregators in the social media. We will discuss it. But it won’t be impacting as it is happening on a Saturday,” a senior executive of an IT firm, said.

Shaik Salauddin, Chairman of the Telangana State Taxi and Drivers’ Joint Action Committee, told BusinessLine, “What we are getting from the aggregators is very meagre. We have demanded a minimum payout of ₹22 a km as against the present ₹12.

“We have extended our support to the bandh called by TSRTC. employees,” he said.

The JAC also demanded setting up of a Taxi Drivers Welfare Board to protect the interests of the drivers attached to the aggregators.

Meanwhile, the Left parties have organised a dharna at the Dharna Chowk near Indira Park, demanding the government to resolve the issue.