Reacting to the landslide victory secured by the BJP in the elections, former Infosys director T Mohandas said: The election results are a result of the changing aspirations of Indians who are not interested in caste politics and crony capitalism and are fed up of corruption, inflation and policy paralysis in the Government.

Modi’s message to the people of India is simple, loud and clear and totally in tune with their aspirations, especially with the youth who form 10-15 per cent of the electorate. Although I expected the BJP to do well, I certainly did not expect this resounding victory.

There is a clear mismatch between the aspirations of the people and the messaging of the Congress party, which led to its downfall. While they proposed poverty economics – by offering jobs to dig up roads, free food, free medicines and lots of other freebies, which no one is clearly interested in, Modi offered change with economic growth, more jobs, etc, and had his Gujarat model to show for it.

Modi is a clear phenomenon. For the first time in the history of the country, the Chief Minister of a State is becoming the Prime Minister of India. Modi is a man from humble origins, with 12 years of experience as Chief Minister, with no one backing him, he has managed to steer himself to a resounding victory.