The Indian Olympic Association (I)A) has warned companies against the use of “unauthorised advertisements” leveraging the upcoming  Paris Olympic Games 2024. It said intellectual rights must be respected and warned of legal action against violators 

“It has come to our attention that certain corporate entities and business houses are attempting to capitalise on the excitement surrounding the Paris Olympic Games by creating unauthorised advertisements and promotions. The IOA strongly condemns such actions and emphasises that any advertisement related to the Paris Olympic Games 2024 must have prior approval from the I0A,” the association noted in a statement. 

The IOA is the apex body responsible for the promotion and development of Olympic sports in India.

“We urge all corporate entities, business houses, and advertising agencies to refrain from creating or disseminating any advertisements related to the Paris Olympic Games 2024 without the explicit approval of the IOA. Failure to comply with this directive will result in legal action and other appropriate measures,” it added. 

The association stressed the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and the official endorsements established by the International Olympic Committee (I0C).

“As the governing body for Olympic sports in India, the IOA is committed to upholding the values of fair play, integrity, and respect for the Olympic movement. Unauthorised advertisements not only undermine the efforts of the official sponsors and partners but also violate the spirit of the Olympic Games,” it added.