Pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc announced on Tuesday that it has launched an examination of a new pill to treat Covid-19. The pill could be taken after the arrival of the first sign of illness.

Pfizer had developed the first authorized coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with Germany’s BioNTech. The company stated that its new candidate – PF-07321332 – demonstrates potent activity against the novel virus in lab studies.

Pfizer revealed that the new candidate consists of protease inhibitors that have been efficacious against various other pathogens including HIV, hepatitis C, among others.

The company speculated that this class of molecules may provide well-tolerated treatments against the coronavirus infection.

Furthermore, Pfizer noted that it is also examining an intravenously administered antiviral candidate in an initial stage of trials in hospitalized Covid-19 patients.

“Together, the two (oral and intravenous candidates) have the potential to create an end-to-end treatment paradigm that complements vaccination in cases where the disease still occurs,” Pfizer’s Chief Medical Officer Mikael Dolsten said in an official statement.