A workshop on medical device regulations in the EU and UK will be held on June 14 in Hyderabad.

The Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil), in association with MT Promedt Consulting GmBH, Germany, is organising the workshop.

It’s supported by Telangana Life Sciences, AMTZ, FICCI & AiMED.

The workshop will be beneficial for medical device manufacturers, regulatory affairs professionals, quality assurance personnel, and other stakeholders involved in bringing medical devices to market in the EU and the UK,’‘ R Uday Bhaskar, Director General, Pharmaexcil, said in a release on Thursday.

He added that it would help them navigate the complex regulatory landscape, ensure compliance with applicable regulations, ensure the safety and efficacy of medical devices, and maintain market access for their products.  

The workshop, to be held at Hyatt Place, will delve into the various regulations and requirements governing the development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of medical devices.

A Ramkishan, Deputy Drugs Controller (India)—CDSCO, Pharmexcil Director General R Uday Bhaskar, Rajiv Chhibber, Joint Coordinator AIMED & President—Med Tech Park, Telangana, Christoph Leder, Managing Director of MT Promedt Consulting GMBH, and other industry representatives and stakeholders will participate in the event.