The plastic industry in Tamil Nadu, which employs nearly eight lakh people, has the potential to grow upwards of 28 per cent but currently lags behind other industrial states like Maharashtra and Gujarat, according to The Tamil Nadu Plastics Manufacturers’ Association (TAPMA). 

“Normally, the plastics industry grows about 1.5-2 times the GDP of the country or the state. However, the industry has grown only at about 5 percent while Tamil Nadu’s GSDP registered an impressive 14 per cent growth in 2021-22,” B Swaminathan, Chairman - Environment Committee, TAPMA said, here on Monday. 

“Currently, the plastic industry in states like Maharashtra and Gujarat clock an annual growth rate of 25 per cent,” Swaminathan added. 

He was addressing a press conference to announce TAPMA’s International Plastics Exhibition (IPLAS 2022) scheduled to be held in the city between June 10-13. The four-day exhibition aims to give a fillip to the State’s plastic processing industry. 

The event also saw the launch of a booklet, ‘A World of Plastics - The Right View’. Swaminathan said the industry is all for avoiding single used plastics banned by the Tamil Nadu Government. However, he added that several misconceptions and myths are created against the usage of any form of plastics without any scientific basis which is detrimental to the industry.

Rakkappan, President, TAPMA, said, the IPLAS exhibition will give a fillip to Tamil Nadu’s Rs 15,000 crore plastic industry which comprises 8,000 factories. 

“We believe that IPLAS will go a long way in helping the industry to achieve a growth rate of at least 20 per cent in the near term and 25-40 per cent in the longer run, while adhering to the legal framework of the government. The industry will create lakhs of new jobs and add to the overall prosperity of the state,” Rakkappan said. 

According to TAPMA, the Tamil Nadu plastic industry provides direct and indirect employment to eight lakh people, and the industry contributes ₹2,700 crore to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) annually. Nearly 85 per cent of the registered units are small scale units, while micro and medium and large companies account for 5 per cent each, respectively.