Targetting Speaker Om Birla for the second consecutive day over supplementary questions, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi said the right of MPs to ask a question on Tamil was taken away by the Speaker. He termed the development as an insult to the people of Tamil Nadu.

Opposition MPs had walked out of the House on Tuesday during the question hour as Speaker denied permission to ask a supplementary question. “Yesterday, I asked the question on the 50 largest wilful defaulters and the procedure is that when you ask a question you are allowed to ask supplementary. Now, it is okay for the speaker to hurt me, I understand he does not want me to speak, I understand it, he can hurt me. I am a Member of Parliament, I have certain rights and he can take away my rights. But, today, our Tamil MPs wanted to ask a supplementary about the Tamil language. This is not about one person, this is not about Rahul Gandhi, this is about the people of Tamil Nadu and their language and even they were not allowed to ask that question today. This is an absolute insult to the people of Tamil Nadu,” Gandhi charged.

He said the people of Tamil Nadu have every right to defend their language, to believe in their language and to speak in their language. “You can do it to me, you can take away my right, but, you cannot take away the right of the Tamil people to ask a question in this house about their language. This is completely ridiculous,” he said.

‘Ratings not an issue’

When asked about the latest rating of Moody’s, he said the country is about to witness an economic devastation. “These people want to be rated by Moody’s, to be rated by Standard and Poor’s, to be rated by Trump. I don’t care about all that ratings; I don’t give a damn about those ratings. I know what our strengths are and I am saying to you, start to prepare our strengths and start to create a defensive situation, because if you don’t, there will be devastation, again. There will devastation! Do you think it is a one bank’s problem; a number of the banks are going to fall, that is what I am trying to tell the Prime Minister get your head out of the sand. Your head is right now in the sand, pull it out, look around what is going on! Don’t be scared, remove the fear that you always carried in your life, because India needs you to do that,” he said.