Declaring the Jammu and Kashmir floods as “national level disaster”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today announced Rs 1,000 crore as special assistance for rehabilitation, while sharing the pain and anguish of the people of the State.

He made the annoucement in Srinagar after undertaking a visit to the State for first hand information of the situation which has turned grim resulting in the death of over 130 people.

The Prime Minister also called upon other States to also pitch in with relief assistance in whatever way they could.

Expressing his anguish at the loss that has been caused in neighbouring areas in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), he said India was ready to provide humanitarian assistance to the affected areas if Pakistan requires it.

“In this hour of distress, the Prime Minister offered all possible assistance to the people of the region and said that the Government of India is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to those areas if the Pakistan Government needs it,” he said.

“The Prime Minister shared the pain and anguish of the people as he was briefed in Jammu and in Srinagar by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and senior officials of the State Government about the damage caused by the floods,” a PMO statement said.

The Prime Minister observed that the Rs 1,100 crore, which is being made available to the State Government through the state Disaster Relief Fund, would not prove to be adequate in view of the magnitude of the tragedy.

“An additional special project assistance of Rs 1,000 crore will be made available by the Government to the State for flood relief and rehabilitation. More assistance would be provided, if required, after a proper survey of the situation has been made,” he said.

Terming it as a national level disaster, Modi said that the Centre stands shoulder to shoulder with the State Government and the people of the State in this hour of crisis.