Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday expressed confidence that the Monsoon Session of Parliament would be a "fruitful" one and the successful launch of GST would give new enthusiasm to Parliamentary proceedings in this session.

“Whenever political parties and the government take decisions keeping in mind the national interest, it shows their commitment towards the larger public good. It has been proved successfully with the implementation of GST. The GST spirit is about growing stronger together. I hope the same GST spirit prevails in this session,’ he said, addressing the media in the Parliament House complex on the first day of the Monsoon Session.

With the skies overcast even as the Capital woke up to a hot and humid day, Modi said: “After summer, the advent of the first rain brings in a fresh new smell to the soil. Similarly, this Monsoon Session will bring in a new spirit after the successful implementation of GST.”

With the Opposition united on taking on the government on the farmers’ crisis, among other issues, the Prime Minister also said: “We salute our farmers who have been ensuring food security for the country with their hard work,” and called for a constructive debate on issues.

“It is my firm belief that the Monsoon Session will provide an opportunity to all the political parties and the MPs to enter into a dialogue of the highest quality with value addition for taking major decisions in the larger national interest,” said Modi.

The Prime Minister also pointed out that the start of the Monsoon Session was “very significant”, as a new President and a Vice-President of the country would be elected, as also India would complete seven decades of its Independence on August 15.

The Budget session had enacted the Goods and Services Tax Act, which was supported by all political parties in both Houses. This time round, two Bills listed in the business seek to extend GST to Jammu & Kashmir.