Making an appeal to agricultural scientists to take their research from laboratory to the field, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today envisioned “second green revolution” in the eastern states.

“I can see clearly that the second green revolution will take place from eastern states like Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Assam, and eastern Uttar Pradesh,” the Prime Minister said at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research here.

Emphasising on taking research from lab to land, Modi exhorted agricultural scientists to give a report to him in six months identifying the priorities needed to be given for fast pacing the farm growth.

“As agricultural land is shrinking, there is a need to increase per acre productivity through newer research in the field of agriculture,” Modi said, urging the agri scientists to help this happen.

He said that his government’s priority was to usher in four-prong revolution in tune with the four colours — saffron, green, white and blue in the national flag.

He, however, in a lighter vein said people might derive different meaning from saffron revolution (colour of BJP flag), but it meant revolution in the field of energy.

While green revolution meant increase in farm productivity, white revolution stood for milk productivity with emphasis on animal husbandry and blue revolution stood for harnessing water resources and fishery, he said.

“Despite having vast water resources, Bihar is bringing fish worth Rs 400 crore every year from Andhra Pradesh, which can be changed by developing fishery in the state,” he said.

The Prime Minister rewarded agricultural scientists and mediapersons both in print and electronic for remarkable work in the field of farm sector.

Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Union Agriculture Minister Radhamohan Singh were present on the occasion.