Reaching out to 11 central trade unions ahead of a general strike call on September 2 against changes in key labour laws, among other things, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited union leaders on Monday evening for tea at his residence, 7 Race Course Road.

“All of us have been invited for tea by the Prime Minister ahead of the Indian Labour Conference on July 20,” confirmed Virjesh Updhayay, National Secretary of RSS-backed Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh.

“A meeting of the inter-Ministerial committee chaired by the Finance Minister on the issues raised by us is also convened on the same day. Before these meetings, we will sit together to form a joint strategy,” said Congress-backed INTUC President G Sanjeeva Reddy.

Tapan Sen, General Secretary, Centre of Indian Trade Unions, said the “Ministers’ meeting with us is scheduled for 4 pm and the PM’s tea invite is for 6 pm. We hope the crucial meeting is not wound up in a hurry.”