Warning Pakistan that it cannot weaken India by orchestrating attacks such as the one on CRPF jawans in Pulwama, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said those responsible will pay “a very heavy price” and security forces will be given a free hand to deal with terrorists.

In a hard-hitting speech, Modi said the “blood of the people is boiling” and forces behind the act of terrorism will definitely be punished.

“I want to tell the terror outfits and those aiding and abetting them that they have made a big mistake. They will have to pay a very heavy price for their actions. Let me assure the nation that those behind this attack, the perpetrators of this attack will be punished,” Modi said at a function to flag off the Vande Bharat Express, India’s fastest train from Delhi to Varanasi.

He said the security forces have been given “complete freedom”.

“Security forces have been given complete freedom, the blood of the people is boiling...Our neighbouring country, which has been isolated internationally is in a state of illusion, thinks such terror attacks can destabilise us, but their plans will not materialise,” Modi said.

Also read: US experts suspect ISI role in Pulwama terrorist attack

On Thursday, an explosives laden truck rammed into a CRPF convoy in Pulwama outside Srinagar, killing 40 soldiers in one of the biggest terror attacks in recent years.

“My condolences to families of those martyred in Pulwama attack, those behind the terror strike will pay a very heavy price,” Modi said.

“I am thankful to all nations which condemned Pulwama attack and urge them to come together to crush terrorism. The forces behind this act of terrorism and those responsible for it, will be definitely be punished,” he said.

Appealing to his critics to not politicise the tragedy, Modi said the attacks have left the country emotional.

“I understand the sentiments of those criticising us but I urge them that it is an emotional time, so stay away from political one-upmanship.

“It is my request to all my friends that it is a very sensitive and emotional moment and the nation stands united in its fight against terror. We should speak in one voice and rise above politics.The message which should go across the world is that we are one nation, one voice in our fight against terror, the fight which we have to win,” he said

Earlier in the morning, after a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said India had withdrawn Pakistan’s most favoured nation status and was working on a plan to isolate the country internationally in the wake of the attacks.

“The most favoured nation status to Pakistan stands revoked,” Jaitley said.

The CCCS meet was chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the security scenario in Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the Pulwama terror attack.