The Skill Development Ministry will launch training programmes on two new sectors – aerospace engineering and smart agriculture – on July 15, to coincide with the World Youth Skills Day.

With the modernisation of the air force and the growth in the aviation sector, there is an increased need for trained workers in the sector. A Government owned ITI in Nagpur will look at this programme that will also be implemented by institutes in Chennai and Coimbatore, which are two major manufacturing centres.

Likewise, there is a growing demand for trained workers in smart agriculture, where the emphasis will be on using data on soil testing, controlled irrigation, controlled delivery of inputs and agriculture services that use information technology.

Mahendra Nath Pandey, Union Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, told journalists here on Saturday that the Ministry will launch a programme under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) for dak sevaks in the India Post Payments Bank to help them carry out various functions, such as a banking business correspondent.

Two other programmes that will be launched on July 15 are a BCom and a BBA on applied logistics, where one half of the three-year courses will be classroom based and the other half, hands-on curriculum-based training in logistics companies.

The fastest growing demand for training under the PMKVY is from the beauty and wellness sector and for yoga therapists, where yoga is taught not only for fitness but also for curative purposes.

Launched in July 2015, the PMKVY was revamped and a Version 2.0 introduced in July 2016 with an outlay of about Rs 12,000 crore. The PMKVY 2.0 ends in 2020 and the Ministry is now appraising the progress. The flagship skill development programme will be restructured based on the progress made in the last four years.

One proposal is to give a greater role for the States in the skills training programme. Nearly 90 per cent of the need for skills upgradation is in the unorganised sector and the Skills Development Ministry feels that the States may be better placed to implement and monitor the programme than the Centre. For instance, the State governments could work with, say, an association of local automobile workshop owners and train their workers in various skills relating to handling automobile repairs.