The BJP on Wednesday accused the CPI(M)-led Kerala government of “sacrificing national security at the altar of vote-bank politics” by not checking the terror activities of groups like Popular Front of India (PFI).

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad cited media reports on PFI activists engaged in their “avowed goal of creating an Islamic State” through activities like ‘love jihad’ and conversions. He said just like Huriyat members were being funded by Pakistan to encourage radicalisation in Kashmir, several groups in Kerala too are being funded to radicalise young people, and this compromises national security.

The Law Minister accused the ruling government in Kerala of having turned a blind eye to these activities for political reasons.

“The position of the CPI(M) government is clear from their intervention in the case of Hadia conversion. They have stated that love jihad is humbug but it is clear from media exposes regarding activities of groups like PFI that they are using tactics like love jihad for conversions and their mission is Islamic State,” he added.

The CPI(M) has accused the BJP of raking up frivolous issues to create communal polarisation in the State. Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said that because of the specific demographic situation in Kerala, with a high percentage of minorities, the BJP’s aim is to consolidate communal polarisation to make political inroads.

“I want to tell the Kerala government — you have been elected to govern,” said Prasad. “Because of PFI and groups like Sathya Sarini, the life of Kerala citizens is threatened. If they remain silent and do not act, they are guilty of compromising national security.”