Rising Covid-19 cases in Kochi have prompted hospitals in the private sector to start homecare services for patients.

With the cases making a steep climb in the recent period and in view of the increasingly fewer beds in hospitals, Renai Medicity and Aster Medcity have come out with Covid care at home for patients.

Krishnadas Polakulath, MD & CEO, Renai Medicity said the hospital has introduced a 10-day homecare package that includes tele-consultation with a physician, clinical Psychologist/ Physiotherapist/Resipratory therapist, daily remote monitoring by trained nurses, antigen test on the 10th day. There will also be 24x7 assistance in case of emergency and support for hospital admission, if required.

Aster Medcity has launched the Covid care and testing for mild and asymptomatic patients under home quarantine. The service includes consultation, rapid antigen test, medicine delivery at doorstep, emergency tele-consultation and delivery of home care kit. Initially the service will be available around 25 km from Aster Medcity.

"We augmented our existing home services with Covid care as cases surged in the last two weeks and hospitals across the city were stretched to their limits. The service can be helpful for elderly patients, especially, to undergo tests and other routine care, in the safety of their home," said Ambili Vijayaraghavan, Chief Operating Officer.

Ernakulam district has reported 5,030 positive cases on Tuesday with a test positivity rate of 27.27 per cent. Currently there are 54,590 patients under treatment and 98,370 under observation. The ventilator facilities available in government hospitals are 220, while in private hospitals provide 338.

However, it is not possible to earmark all the life supporting system to Covid cases alone as there are non-Covid patients who need them, health department officials said. In case, the number of virus affected persons goes up, the facilities available in the private sector hospitals would have to be utilised. The health department is making all efforts to make available ventilator support to the entire needy person without fail, the officials added.