Humane Society International (HSI) reminds residents of coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu to take their pets with them if they are told to evacuate. A deep depression that lay centred between Chennai and Nagapattinam has turned into a cyclone. According to news reports, costal districts of Andhra Pradesh have been put on high alert. The cyclone named ''Nilam' is expected to make a landfall  by evening today .

"It is crucial that residents are prepared to take pets with them when evacuating in the face of potentially destructive flooding," advised N.G.Jayasimha, director for HSI India. "If it isn't safe for you, it isn't safe for your pets."

Pet owners should have an emergency plan that includes the safety of their animals, and stay up to date about the potential for evacuation in their area. Pet owners should also have a pet emergency supply kit on hand at all times.

This emergency supply kit should include:

· Three-or-more-day supply of food in an airtight, waterproof container, and drinking water

· Bowls for food and water

· Current photos and physical description of your pets, including details on markings

· Medications, vaccination records and pet first aid supplies

· Comfort items such as a toy and blanket

· Small garbage bags

· For dogs include: leash, harness and a sturdy carrier large enough to use as a sleeping area

· For cats include: litter and litter box and a sturdy carrier large enough for transport