R. A. Mashelkar, former Director-General of CSIR, has been conferred the V Krishnamurthy Award for excellence by the Hyderabad-based Centre for Organisation Development.

The former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and Governor of Tamil Nadu, K Rosaiah, presented the award at a function in Hyderabad on Thursday. The meeting was attended among others by Habil F Khorakiwala, Founder Chairman, Wockhardt Group, and Chairman of the Board of Governors of COD; Ramesh Gelli, a noted banker and Umeshwar Pandey, Director, COD.

Delivering the lecture, Mashelkar said, people call me a ‘dangerous optimist of India’ but "I am passionate to see India at the top. I can see the signs, feel the new smell of optimism. The new generation is dynamic, their aspirations are contagious and their aspirations are only changing dramatically to India’s advantage".

"My generation used to dream of going to the US, our next generation has aspired to be CEOs, leaders of Microsoft, Google, but today’s generation says, I want to make my own Microsoft, Google in India. I wish God grants me my desire to come back for a day in the year 2050 and see for myself what this great country accomplished," he said.

The award was instituted in 2000 to recognise excellence in management. V Krishnamurthy had contributed enormously to the public sector, BHEL and SAIL