Raising the issue of net neutrality,net neutrality, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi today sought suspension of Question Hour in Lok Sabha and gave a notice for an adjournment motion to discuss the matter immediately.

An adjournment motion involves an element of censure against the Government. However, it is up to the Speaker to decide on taking up the motion.

A strong plea was made yesterday in the Lower House for ensuring net neutrality with demands that the recent consultation paper brought out by TRAI should be scrapped and attempts by certain telecom and internet service providers be scuttled.

Raising the issue during Zero Hour, M B Rajesh (CPI-M) had alleged that the consultation paper brought out by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India was “blatantly supporting” assault on net neutrality by telecom and internet service providers.

Several opposition members wanted to have their say on the issue.

Speaker Sumitra Mahajan had said a notice should be given for a half-an-hour discussion and she would allow it.