Rajesh Nath, MD, VDMA India, gets Germany's highest civilian honour

Tunia Cherian Updated - January 08, 2018 at 07:16 PM.

Rajesh Nath, Managing Director of VDMA India, has been conferred the ‘Cross of the Order of Merit’, the highest civilian honour awarded to individuals for their services to Germany.

The award, also known as Bundesverdienstkreuz or Federal Cross of Merit was instituted in 1951 and is Germany’s only honour that is awarded to both Germans and foreigners for achievements in the economic, social, political or intellectual realms.

The Cross of Merit, along with the certificate signed by the President of Germany, was handed over by the Consul-General of Germany in Kolkata, Dr Michael Feiner, today.​

Published on October 6, 2017 10:44